Foods to Avoid for Better Stamina and Lasting Longer in Bed

7 Foods to Avoid for Better Stamina and Lasting Longer in Bed

Sexual stamina is the ability to stay active during intercourse. It can be improved by making changes to your lifestyle. However, a decrease in stamina can lead to serious illness. A balanced diet rich in nutrients can increase your energy, stamina, and hormonal levels, improving sleep problems and erectile dysfunction.

However, there are certain foods that can work against your hormone levels and energy, leading to erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or decreased sexuality.

In this blog, we will discuss the foods you should avoid eating to improve your stamina and sleep longer and why. Your general health, including blood circulation, mental clarity, stress management, and hormone balance, can have a big impact on how well you have met.

Food you should avoid for last longer in bed

When it comes to improving stamina and enhancing sexual performance, what you eat plays a crucial role. While a there are many foods that can increase your sex time, boost energy, circulation, and hormone levels, certain foods can have the opposite effect. In this post, we'll explore which foods to avoid if you wants to enhance your stamina, and last longer in bed.

1. Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Excessive Alcohol Consumption

A small amount of alcohol can reduce your stress and make you feel relaxed, but excessive alcohol consumption causes a variety of health problems in the body. It can harm blood flow, reduce testosterone, damage the nervous system, and interfere with their functioning. Due to this, you may face erectile dysfunction and may also lose desire. There are some drinks that you should avoid consuming in excess.

Avoid things like:

  • Beer
  • whine 
  • cocktails
  • Hard liquor (whiskey, vodka, rum).

Alternate option:

If you are addicted to it and can’t control your desire, you can take steps like having a light drink of alcohol or taking a diluted cocktail.

2. Processed Food

Processed Food

Processed food is also a reason that has an adverse effect on your health and hinders increasing sex time naturally. Processed food is completely loaded with unhealthy fats, artificial additives, and excess sodium. It can also affect your energy levels, circulation, and overall health.

Avoid things like:

  • Fast food like burgers, fried chicken, fries, etc.
  • Packed food items like chips, crackers, and cookies.
  • Frozen meals, etc.

Alternate option: 

In the case of processed food, you can take highly nutritious food like lean meat, fruit, vegetables, etc. This can help to enhance your terminal and boost your male infertility

3. Excess Soya Products

Excess Soya Products

Soy products contain a compound called phytoestrogen, which develops naturally in plants and acts like estrogen in our body. Hence it is counted as a healthy food, but its excess consumption may cause hormonal imbalance, lower testosterone levels, and affect stamina, especially in men.

Although some recent studies suggest that soy has no negative influence on male hormones, but more researchers need to confirm same.

So for now, we recommend men avoid certain types of soy, as follows:

Avoid things like:

  • Soy milk
  • Soy-based meat alternative 
  • Tofu 

Alternate option:

You can take other plant-based proteins like beans, lentils, quinoa, etc. You can take soy products in the right proportion.

4. Saturated Fat

Saturated Fat

Saturated fats are considered very harmful for health, especially those things that are fried in unhealthy oils like trans fats. This unhealthy oil affects our heart health and your sex life.

Saturated fats are the worst for erectile dysfunction. It blocks the artery and the blood flow in it, which can lead you to poor blood flow that can reduce stamina and your performance. Each 1g saturated fat reduces semen volume chances by 38%.

Avoid things like:

  • Red meat
  • French fries
  • Cheese 
  • Butter

Alternate option:

Instead of saturated fat, you can use olive oil or coconut oil. 

5. Refined or Sugary Food

Refined or Sugary Food

Consuming refined sugar products can have a very negative effect on your body. It can cause many problems in your body, like obesity, insulin resistance, and diabetes. This can cause hormonal imbalances that reduce stamina and affect sexual health. Sugar instability can cause mood and energy fluctuations that can interfere with pleasure and sexual response.

Avoid things like: 

  • Sweets (cakes, pastries, and sweets)
  • Sugar-filled sodas
  • Pasta and white bread
  • Processed breakfast cereals 

Alternate option:

You can switch from sugary items to fruits, nuts, and yogurt. You can take brown rice, oatmeal, dalia, and whole grains like quinoa, etc. These foods release energy slowly and keep you energized for the full day.

6. Deep-fried food

Deep-fried food

Highly processed and fried foods have a negative impact on the body. This unhealthy food can cause you to increase your calories, which can lead to weight gain and lethargy. It can also lead to inflammation, unhealthy weight gain, and heart disease, to name a few, which can all be risk factors for erectile dysfunction.

Avoid things like: 

  • Fried chicken
  • Fish sticks 
  • Deep-fried chips 
  • French fries

Alternate option: 

You can use food that is baked, steamed, roasted, boiled, etc. 

7. Artificial Sweetener

Artificial Sweetener

Artificial sweeteners used in foods are very dangerous from a health point of view. Ingredients like aspartame and sucralose can affect your hormonal balance, affect insulin levels, and affect metabolism. These sweeteners can also inhibit the body's ability to burn fat and reduce energy levels and stamina. 

Avoid things like:

  • Diet sodas
  • Sugar-free snacks and gum
  • Low-calorie sweeteners

Alternate option: 

You can use natural sweeteners instead of artificial sweeteners. Some of the natural sweeteners are honey, dates, stevia, etc. 

There are a few other points you should keep in mind

Adopting Ayurvedic Product

Taking Ayurvedic formulations like Liv Muztang or Kama Gold will help you last longer in bed. It will improve your blood circulation, improve stamina and overall help boost your confidence.

Regular activity

Regular exercise helps to develop muscles and raises energy levels; it also helps with heart issues and improves sexual stamina.

Pelvic floor exercise

Pelvic floor exercises like Kegel exercises help to enhance control during intercourse. It also avoids premature ejaculation.

Manage stress level

Stress, tension, and anxiety can affect your sexual performance. With the help of meditation and mindfulness-like activity, you can manage your stress level.

Do some yoga

Yoga is also one of the most effective reasons to improve your stamina and sexual performance. It can increase blood flow, improve flexibility, and strengthen your pelvic health. Some yoga postures for better sex performance are boat pose, bridge pose, and cobra pose etc.

Take adequate sleep

Taking adequate sleep is essential to balance the hormone levels in your body. It improves your energy level and general health. It is essential to improve sleep as poor sleep can lead to poor performance.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated always helps to manage general health and sexual health too. Because dehydration can lower energy and reduce strength. 

Be mentally relaxed and focused

You must be relaxed during intimacy. Mentally relaxing and calming can boost your endurance and lessen anxiety. Being focused and relaxed can improve mental clarity. 


To improve stamina and enhance performance in bed, it is important to avoid food that negatively affects your energy levels, circulation, and hormonal imbalances. Processed foods, sugary snacks, excessive alcohol consumption, fried food, etc, can lead to weight gain and poor circulation and hormonal problems; it can also affect sexual health and stamina.

Focusing on a balanced diet can improve energy levels and reduce anxiety, inflammation, or blood flow. You can also take the help of yoga to improve sex performance. Nutrient-rich foods like lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can boost testosterone production. It can improve male infertility and stress management.

Ultimately, by improving your diet and including nutrient-rich food, you can maintain energy levels and regulate hormones and sexual performance.


Q1. What is the best food for staying in bed?

  • Banana.
  • Beets.
  • Garlic.
  • Fatty fish.
  • Oysters.
  • Blueberries.
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Avocados, etc.

Q2. Does diet affect stamina in bed?

A nutritious diet can improve your sexual life in many ways, like it enhances your sexuality, heart health, blood flow, etc. It also increases your stamina.

Q3. What exercises help you last longer?

Kegel exercises, also referred to as pelvic floor exercises, involve repeatedly contracting and loosening the pelvic floor muscles. In 55% to 83% of cases, Kegel exercises help stop premature ejaculation.

Q4. What drink makes you sexually excited?

Five drinks to naturally boost sexuality: 

  • Green Tea. 
  • Black coffee.
  • Red wine. 
  • Banana shake. 
  • Pomegranate juice.

Q5. What is the last thing to eat before bed?

For better sleep, choose nutritious snacks like fruits, nuts, and seeds. Make sure your bedtime snack is a good mix of carbohydrates and protein. With the help of minerals like magnesium and essential amino acids like tryptophan, the body is able to prepare to sleep.

Profile Image Dr. Meghna

Dr. Meghna

Dr. Meghna is a skilled General Ayurveda Physician, full of passion and devotion for integral health that can be seen through work. She has expertise in both men's and women's health and focuses more on infertility and sexual health disorders. She brings together the ancient Ayurvedic practice and modern wellness approaches for effective holistic treatment of patients.

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