Kegel Exercises for Men

Kegel Exercises for Men: Strengthening the Pelvic Floor for Better Performance

Most of us make efforts to tighten the body's upper muscles, which may be abs, triceps, and biceps, and give the least importance to muscles existing in the lower part of the body connecting to the urinary bladder, large intestine and internal reproductive system.

Muscles at the lower end are pelvic muscles that enforce flexibility for better performance in bed or during peeing or stool discharge. One sees weak pelvic floor muscles with increasing age or injuries and therefore are not able to hold the pee or poo at times and suffer erectile dysfunction.

Many people are unaware of the pelvic floor muscles or do not realize their importance or influences in exerting different physical movements, including coughing, sneezing, lifting and even laughing.

But Kegel exercises may help in bringing back the strength, flexibility and endurance in pelvic floor muscles not letting any further suffer from urinal inconsistency or sexual malfunction. This post will enrich you about how the kegel exercises for men are useful for them.

You may continue reading till the end of this blog to find out more about how important are these exercises for anyone!

A Comprehensive Study About Pelvic Floor Muscles 

These muscles exist at the lower end or below the abdomen supporting the reproductive organs. urethra, bladder and intestines. Among women, the pelvic floor is connected to the uterus. These muscles are utilized for holding or regulating the bowel and urine discharge and enable the males to hold on to the erection and perform for a longer time.

Though, these muscles assist in maintaining the alignment of the organs they gradually weaken with the increase in age. However performing the kegel exercises will increase the tightness, strength and stamina of the pelvic muscles. 

Kegel Exercises and its impact on the male sexual health

Kegel exercises pertain to the movement of the lower-end muscles of the body which are otherwise known to be as pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor muscles undergoing contraction and relaxation become firmer and help in managing the flow of urine, and bowel movement and stopping sexual incontinence. These exercises can also help in addressing issues related to female sexual dysfunction and boost testosterone levels naturally.

Prostate glands play an important role in retaining a male’s sexuality and boosting performance during the intercourse session. However, 50 % of males between the ages of 51 and 60 tend to develop prostatic hyperplasia or enlargement in the prostrate gland with a rise in estrogen levels and a dip in testosterone levels. As a result, such males tend to ejaculate earlier or suffer weak erections.

But Kegel exercises done regularly at any time of the day may significantly bring progress in sexual activity by:

  • Stimulating the flow of oxygen supply in the perineal muscles. These perineal muscles exist in both the males and females between anal and urinal area.
  • Increasing the strength of the perineal muscles and thus elevating the time of ejaculation and performance in bed.

Benefits of Kegel Exercises for Men

Aid in controlling urine leakage post-prostate surgery

Kegel exercises have proven effective in tightening the pelvic floor muscles and ensuring support and improvement of bladder functions. And so would no further make the patient suffer from urine incontinence and poop leakage.

Improve sexual stamina and performance

Regular pelvic contractions and relaxations will ease the flow of oxygen-rich blood in the genital area, enabling the hardening of the penis, stamina and control over premature ejaculation. This can also help in addressing issues related to male infertility. [Cite 1]

Enable quick recovery after prostate cancer surgery

Kegel exercises are known for tightening the pelvic floor muscles.  If regularly performed will ease the bladder irregularities and that would give further strength to the men to attend recovery from prostrate gland cancer surgery.

Stop urinal incontinence 

You may have faced the problem of leakage of urine or stool during sneezing, laughing and coughing, regular kegel exercise will increase the hardness of pelvic floor muscles and strengthen the support of muscles with the bladder.

Minimize dribbling

Regular kegel exercise helps tighten the muscles in the pelvic floor area and therefore it will reduce the urge to go to the toilet frequently and stop leakage. [Cite 2]

How to do Kegel Exercises?

Starting with:

Recognizing the right muscle

You will have to stop urination in the midway to verify the right muscle for pelvic floor exercise. Hold on back or pull back the muscles as if you are stopping yourself from passing the gas. You can help yourself to find the pelvic floor muscle with the help of a mirror or any therapist.

Reaching perfection in this exercise

To act in the process of tightening the pelvic floor muscles, you must make efforts to hold the shrinking of muscles for 3 seconds and then release for the next 3 seconds. You must repeat it to reach the level of perfection and strengthen the muscles. It will further become easier for you to do these movements while being in any posture or movement. 

Stay focused

To perfect the method of contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, there is a need to stay focused. Otherwise, doing any other work while performing this exercise might not help you learn to hold on to muscles and manage urinal or fecal incontinence and premature ejaculation.

Continue performing thrice a day

You can do this kegel exercise any time of the day, however getting up from bed in the early morning and before taking any meal will bring favorable results. Performing 10 repetitions thrice a day is recommended to tighten the muscles.

You can do this exercise while brushing your teeth or performing any form of physical activity while walking, sitting, standing or sitting. But never repeat more than 40 and that’s how you can avoid letting your pelvic floor muscles get overstressed. 

Further tips of Kegel Exercises for men

  • Do not hold your breath even if you are in the process of contracting and expanding the pelvic floor muscles for a few seconds each time.
  • Do not disturb the muscles in the areas of the thigh, abdomen, back and hips.
  • Stay away from performing any pelvic exercise during urination or else it will cause irregularities in the kidney and bladder apart from loosening pelvic floor muscles.
  • Make efforts to extend the time of holding and releasing the pelvic floor muscles. Initially, you may start by holding and relaxing for 5 seconds. And then finally, you may find yourself reaching up to 10 seconds.
  • Refrain from performing the kegel exercises under the condition of pain, stress or injury in such location. It would not benefit you during such conditions. [Cite 3]


Just as we do make efforts with regular fitness exercises and weight lifting for developing muscles of the upper limb, similarly kegel exercises are important for tightening the pelvic floor muscles.

Increasing age and in many cases extreme medical conditions or injury cause weakness in pelvic floor muscles. Such weakness leads to inconsistent bladder control, irregular bowel movements and erectile malfunction in men.

To begin with any kegel exercise, you must identify the right muscle that may be supporting your bowel movements, urine discharge and sexual performance. Kegel exercises will help both men and female recover faster and have normal lives post-prostate cancer surgery and childbirth conditions.


Q1. How long does it take to see results from Kegel exercises?

If you do your Kegel exercises regularly, you can expect results like less frequent urine leakage within a few weeks to a few months. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see the results you want immediately. as Kegel exercises may take as long as a few months to have an effect on urinary incontinence.

They also work differently for each person. Some people show great improvement in muscle control and urinary continence immediately, while others take longer.

Q2. Are Kegel exercises safe for everyone?

Although Kegel balls are generally considered safe to use, one should keep the following things in mind:

Performing squeezing of pelvic muscles only for 5 seconds at a time, and that too with breaks of at least 5 seconds between. Squeezing for too long or without a break could overexert your vaginal muscles.

Don't overdo kegel exercises for men for more than four to six hours at a time. As it can overexert your pelvic floor muscles.

For men’s fitness, clean Kegel balls before and after every use. sd Using contaminated water can cause infection.

Discontinue doing Kegel exercises for men if you face the following problems:

  • Severe pain or discomfort.
  • Unusual discharge
  • Unusual odor

Q3. What are some common mistakes people make when doing Kegel exercises?

  • Forgetting to relax: Remember to not overtrain your muscles by doing pelvic floor strengthening for too long, as it will cause tightening, not strengthening, and you don’t want that!
  • Not Tracking Progress: It's important to know whether your pelvic floor muscle strength is improving or still needs more work. Or if you are overdoing things for that, you can use a biofeedback machine that helps keep track of your squeeze scale’.
  • Not Switching Things Up: The men's pelvic floor is made up of two types of fiber: slow-twitch and fast-twitch.To fully strengthen your pelvic floor, try to alternate between fast and slow kegel exercises to get rid of problems like urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction.
  • Using incorrect muscles: Pelvic exercises for men indeed help boost sexual performance, correcting erectile dysfunction, but for men's fitness, it is also necessary to find the correct pelvic muscles. Pushing down on the incorrect pelvic floor muscles can cause more damage.

 If you're unsure as to whether you're doing your pelvic floor exercises correctly,then avoid squeezing and lifting and instead use tools available to help or consult a doctor for guidance.

Q4. Will these Kegel exercise for men be beneficiary for women? How?

Studies have proven how pelvic floor exercises pertinent to men also show improvement in bladder control, bowel movement, and sexual pleasure in women post-childbirth. These exercises can also help address issues related to female sexual dysfunction.

They enable improvement in the function of the uterus, tone or tighten the vaginal muscles, and alleviate symptoms of sexual dysfunction. Rhythmic pelvic floor contractions would stimulate an increase in sexual interest, arousal, and better orgasm. Hence, these exercises would give way to smooth pelvic health and thorough wellness.

Q5. Are these Kegel exercises useful for children?

It is already known that contraction and relaxation of pelvic muscles enable strength, flexibility and better control over bladder issues and urinal incontinence. It will lessen bed wetting and minimize kidney problems in children.

Under an expert’s guidance, children can learn to perform the exercises correctly and take control of their bladder.

Profile Image Dr. Meghna

Dr. Meghna

Dr. Meghna is a skilled General Ayurveda Physician, full of passion and devotion for integral health that can be seen through work. She has expertise in both men's and women's health and focuses more on infertility and sexual health disorders. She brings together the ancient Ayurvedic practice and modern wellness approaches for effective holistic treatment of patients.

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