Collection: Addiction

Ayurvedic Medicine & Treatment for Alcohol Addiction

Excess of everything is bad; the same is the case of alcohol. You may think that drinking would make you feel better and release stress. Yes, it gives you pleasure briefly, but in reality, the impact is reversed—alcohol causes stress and depression. You start losing control of yourself and fuel your body with abusive alcohol that, as a result, damages your liver—and leads to chronic diseases.

High consumption of alcohol is also known as Alcoholism or Alcohol Abuse. Addiction can be to cigarettes, tobacco, gutkha, substance abuse, and other alcohol.

Alcohol Addiction in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, alcohol addiction is called Mansikam Visargah, Madyapash (Madya: Alcohol, Pash: Habit), Madyasakti (Madya: Alcohol, Aasakti: Craving). According to Ayurveda, alcohol has hot, dry, rough, and sour properties, which is quite the opposite of ojas. Ojas is the vital energy that regulates your immunity, strength, and happiness. If your ojas are weak, your energy, health, and vigor drop. Ayurveda states that overconsumption of alcohol directly impacts physical and mental health. Alcohol heating and drying characteristics increase anger, fear, and inactivity and make a person lose mental clarity.

In short, Ayurveda considers alcohol addiction as a poison that damages our mental and physical wellness. Meanwhile, Ayurvedic medicine for alcohol addiction helps you to balance your mind, spirit, and body. Ayurvedic treatment for alcohol withdrawal helps you with alcohol withdrawal and improves your resistance power.

Prevalence of Alcohol Addiction in India

Approximately 14.6% of the Indian population are alcohol users, and around 5.2% are on alcohol dependence. At the same time, every third alcohol consumer is abusing alcohol in their body and requires an addiction recovery.

Surprisingly, only one in 38 people is going to be treated for breaking alcohol dependence. Most of the alcohol-related issues arise in Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu due to addiction in these states.

Biological family members with alcoholism, bipolar sufferers, depression or anxiety, peer pressure to drink, low self-esteem, and stress inclined the drinkers to addiction. However, depression and stress are the most common and top the chart of making you lose self-control over alcohol.

Over the past two decades, alcohol consumption in India has increased significantly. The prevalence of alcohol consumption in men increases from 6.4% to 76.1% for males and from 1.3%-63.7% for females.

In India, 29% of all adults are users of tobacco, while the most common form is tobacco, with a rate of 21.4%. Tobacco abuse causes chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, and lung disorders, and about 1.35 million die every year.

The young population is more inclined toward alcohol consumption. Social pressure, stress, depression, relationship problems, family history of alcohol consumption, addiction, and enjoyment are the common causes of alcohol and tobacco consumption.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Medicine for Alcohol Addiction

To improve your relationship and lead a successful career, you must use Ayurvedic treatment for alcohol de-addiction. We have created a natural fusion of effective herbs: VidariKand, Bach, Tulsi, Arjun, Awla, Gokhru, Giloy, Bhumi Awla, Ashwagandha, Shankhpushpi, and Brahmi.

  • Reduces Drug Cravings: Vidari has antioxidant properties and acts as an anti-addiction; it supports you in reducing alcohol consumption. It has a significant impact on reducing binge drinking quickly. Over time, you will not have any relapses of alcohol or drugs.

  • Repair Liver and Promote Heart Health: Arjuna has hepatoprotective traits, which help combat liver disease while purifying and detoxifying the body. Meanwhile, Amla also aids in provoking the regeneration of liver cells while helping repair damaged tissue. Both Amala and Arjuna strengthen your heart and kidney health.

  • Reduces Stress and Promotes Sleep: This adaptogenic herb, Ashwagandha, eases stress and anxiety, so you no longer turn to alcohol to relax. In addition to relieving stress, it also improves your sleep cycle.

  • Immune System Support: Your immune system must be strong enough to treat your liver well. Amla's immune-boosting qualities protect your liver and help you overcome alcohol dependence.

Already, more than 2.5 Lakhs users have gotten addiction recovery and breaking alcohol dependence, now living healthy lives. Only you can save your life and your loved ones—heal your liver and take control of life with Ayurvedic treatment for alcohol addiction SK Addiction Killer.


Are your products ayurvedic?

Yes, our products are 100% organic, authentic, and Ayurvedic. Rest assured that our Ayurvedic medicines are created with the highest quality standards—ISO and GMP certified. Our expert Ayurvedic practitioners choose and supervise each herb used in our products to ensure safety and positive effects.

How long will it take to give me complete relief?

Consume Ayurvedic medicine for alcohol addiction for three months to see its maximum benefits. Nevertheless, results may vary, as some users experience a significant result within a few weeks of regular use. And the most important aspect is you don’t have to drink while taking Ayurvedic treatment for alcohol addiction. Alcohol consumption is more likely to slow the healing of illnesses.

Are there any side effects from using your Ayurvedic products?

Our Ayurvedic medicine for alcohol de-addiction is free of side effects, as they are formulated from quality herbs that provide the most benefits to improve quality of life. However, if you are taking any medications, it's better to consult a doctor before taking them.

Are there any safety instructions while using your products?

While our Ayurvedic products are generally safe to use, we advise you to consult with your healthcare professional if you are currently taking any other medications for your health condition.