Collection: Piles Management

Ayurvedic Medicine & Treatment for Piles, Fistula & Fissure

Piles are swollen veins that appear in or around the anus and rectum. A central principle in Ayurvedic medicine revolves around three doshas: pitta, vata, and kapha. Each dosha relates to a specific element like pitta—fire, vata—air, and kapha—water. Meanwhile, one dominant dosha in the body shows the person's physical and emotional traits of those elements. In Ayurveda, piles are named "Arsha," and its pain is mainly called as meaning pricking pain like a needle in the anus.

Ayurveda believes an imbalance in the doshas (energetic forces) leads to the formation of piles. Piles are sorted as digestive disorders, an assemblage of waste in the rectal area. The probability of getting hemorrhoids increases during pregnancy, sitting long on a hard chair, and constant constipation. Ayurveda has a handful of approaches for piles care and anorectal disorder management.

Meanwhile, your dominant dosha lets you know the type of piles you are experiencing. Vata people suffer from extreme pain, constipation, and hard and black hemorrhoids. Kapha dominant have digestion problems, and hemorrhoids are slippery, light or white in color, large, and soft in touch. While the pitta dominant experiences bleeding and soft and red piles—other symptoms are fever, diarrhea, and a feeling of thirst. Our natural piles treatment offers a holistic approach to treating hemorrhoids with herbal formulation and lifestyle changes. 

Prevalence of piles in India

Due to unhealthy lifestyles, piles have become a household disease in India. One study revealed that almost 11% of the Indian population experience piles. Annually, around 10 million people in India experience the pain of piles.


It can occur at any age, though it's most common in adults and pregnant women. It has been expected that about 50% of the population might get hemorrhoids at some stage in their life, most likely over the age of 50. Meanwhile, about 5% of the population undergoes hemorrhoids at any given point in time, no matter the age. 

Piles can emerge in individuals regardless of location due to poor lifestyle habits. However, due to the sedentary lifestyle in urban areas, there is a higher prevalence of piles/hemorrhoids in India. If we look at the rate of piles in cities, the highest number has been reported in Delhi, Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and Hyderabad.

Surprisingly, one survey revealed that 40 percent of Indians believe piles are not curable—a lifelong issue that stays with them. However, there are Ayurvedic medicines for piles that help to treat and manage it.

Men are more impacted than women, and the risk increases with age. However, pregnant women are likely to suffer from piles. 

Main reasons:

One of the common concerns that gives rise to haemorrhoids is our sedentary lifestyle, as we have moved into work, which requires a long time of sitting in front of the laptop. The lack of physical inactivity flares up the chances of developing hemorrhoids/piles. 

Processed food and low fiber lead to constipation, which is one of the common risk factors for hemorrhoids

Being overweight puts pressure on the rectal veins while expanding the risk of developing haemorrhoids. A recent study found that 44 million women and 26 million men aged over 20 in India were obese. 

Pregnant women are at major risk of developing piles due to increased strain on the pelvic veins and hormonal changes. 

Benefits of Ayurvedic medicine for piles

Our high-quality herbal Ayurvedic Churna, Capsules & oil for Piles is formulated using the traditional wisdom of Ayurveda. It treats almost all common anorectal conditions like Piles, fissures, and fistulas that cause pain, discomfort, and bleeding.

Neem beej, an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antibacterial compound, helps treat piles in our formulation. It reduces inflammation and relieves pain and discomfort associated with Haemorrhoids.

Nakesar has strong astringent properties and helps shrink pile lumps, lower inflammation, reduce pain, and relieve rectal bleeding. 

Nag Keshar manages bleeding piles and balances out pitta dosha while removing excess heat from the body. 

These all-natural and handpicked herbs and other healing work together with internal and external hemorrhoids. While powerfully providing relief from the pain, swelling, itching, bleeding, and chronic constipation. You can use Ayurvedic treatment for hemorrhoids and fistula management in oil, capsule, and herbal powder form to get comfort back in your life.

It's clinically tested and Licensed/Certified by Ayush Department (State Government of Haryana), so no longer hesitate to manage your condition and bring back comfort in your life with Ayurvedic wisdom. Get relief by using our Ayurvedic piles remedy. Improve your way of living by treating your piles with effective Ayurvedic Churna for Piles. It's worth taking to save yourself from surgery and treat piles naturally at home.


Are your products ayurvedic?

Yes, our products are natural, authentic, and Ayurvedic. All our Ayurvedic medicines, including Ayurvedic treatment for hemorrhoids, are made with love from organic and picked from quality sourced herbs with the guidance of Ayurvedic experts. Our products are clinically proven to guarantee safety and beneficial effects and are GMO and ISO-certified.

How long will it take to give me complete relief?

You can see a significant difference in your hemorrhoids’s symptoms in just 3 to 7 days. You can even shrink your pile mass with regular use of Ayurvedic piles remedy. Your physical inactivity and poor diet mainly cause Haemorrhoids; therefore, change your lifestyle and improve your health.

Are there any side effects from using your Ayurvedic products?

Our Ayurvedic churna for Piles has no harmful effects, as it is formulated from quality herbs that provide the most benefits to improve quality of life. Nevertheless, if you are taking any medications, it's better to consult a doctor before taking them. 

Are there any safety instructions while using your products?

Ayurvedic treatments for hemorrhoids and fissures management are 100% safe to consume. However, we urge you to take a consultation with your doctor If you are using any other prescription drugs for your medical status. 

Disclaimer:- Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment plan, including Ayurvedic medicine.