Collection: Infertility

Ayurvedic Treatments and Medicines for Infertility in male and female

Usually, the lack of ability to reproduce or have babies is called male or female infertility. Ayurveda provides a holistic approach to supporting fertility by natural means. Today, many couples are facing infertility issues.

Factors that cause fertility in men and women are stress, pollution, an unhealthy diet, delayed marriages, and an inactive lifestyle, just to mention a few.

Ayurveda & Ferality

In Ayurveda, Infertility is defined as Vandhyatwa—the failure to conceive by a couple having regular intercourse, in a ritu-chakra (menstrual cycle) for 1 or more years. 

According to Ayurveda, our body is regulated by three force energies or Doshas(Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). These Doshas are responsible for regulating the body's optimal function. Fertility is influenced by the balance of these doshas and reproductive tissues (Shukra Dhatu). When excessive pitta and vata are aggravated in the body, it impacts the reproductive health of both men and women. This reduces Sperm count, libido, and Sperm motility and leads to infertility.

In Ayurveda, hormones are recognized as Dhatu Agni(cellular fire). Of the seven different types of Dhatu, Sukra Dhatu Agni is responsible for reproductive functions in both men and women. In males, Shukra Dhatu depletion causes premature ejaculation, loss of erection, weak muscles, skin aging, fatigue, and more.

Shukra Dhatu is connected to reproductive tissues, such as sperm and semen in the male and the egg in the female. Ayurvedic medicine for male infertility balances out the doshas and Shukra Dhatu while promoting overall reproductive health. Ayurvedic medicine for female infertility helps with PCOS, PCOD, and getting pregnant—balances hormones and enhances overall well-being. 

Prevalence of male and female infertility in India

1 in every 15 Indian couples struggles with infertility. And out of every 100 couples striving for conception, 10-15 of them face trouble because of male infertility.

Around 8 percent of currently married Indian women suffer from primary and secondary infertility.

Common reasons for male infertility and female infertility

  • Unhealthy diet: Poor diet and inadequate nutrients in food reduce sperm quality and number which contributes to infertility.

  • Environmental factors: No doubt, the environment surrounding has an impact on your health, and pollutants and some chemicals that harm sperm cause infertility.

  • Obesity: One of the common risk factors in both male and female infertility is being overweight or obese. 

  • Stress: Male and female fertility impacted due to everyday as it creates an imbalance in the hormones.

  • Smoking and Alcohol: Whether you are male or female, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are dangerous for your reproductive health and cause infertility over time. 

  • Age: As men and women age, their fertility falls due to hormone change levels—men experience decreased sperm production and women suffer from the quality of eggs. 

Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatments and Medicines for Infertility in male and female

Ayurvedic treatments offer a complete approach to healing and managing infertility. Our formulated Ayurvedic medicine for male infertility improves sexual health and wellness while promoting fertility. It increases the sperm, and libido while improving the duration of your sexual performance in bed.

Ayurvedic medicine for female infertility helps with PCOS, infertility, and period pain. This is the best ayurvedic medicine to get pregnant faster and reduce the risk of miscarriage. We only added proven and natural medicinal herbs are added to our formulation to improve the fertility of men and women.

Whether you are suffering from menstrual disorders, or low-quality eggs and want to conceive, our ayurvedic medicine for female infertility helps you achieve your goals in no time.

So why not give it a shot and make your baby enter your beautiful world? Take the perfect herbal supplement to promote fertility—enjoy happy and healthy moments with your newborn. 


Are your products ayurvedic?

Yes, our products are 100% organic, authentic, and Ayurvedic. Rest assured that our Ayurvedic medicines are created with the highest quality standards—ISO and GMP certified. Our expert Ayurvedic practitioners choose and supervise each herb used in our products to ensure safety and positive effects. 

How long will it take to give me complete relief?

Consume Ayurvedic medicine for three months to see its maximum benefits. Nevertheless, results may vary, as some users experience a significant result within a few weeks of regular use. And the most important aspect is you don’t have to drink while taking Ayurvedic treatment. Alcohol consumption is more likely to slow the healing of illnesses.   

Are there any side effects from using your Ayurvedic products?

Our Ayurvedic medicine is free of side effects, as they are formulated from quality herbs that provide the most benefits to improve quality of life. However, if you are taking any medications, it's better to consult a doctor before taking them. 

Are there any safety instructions while using your products?

While our Ayurvedic products are generally safe to use, we advise you to consult with your healthcare professional if you are currently taking any other medications for your health condition