Neem stuns with its long series of therapeutic potencies. None of the parts of this evergreen variety of trees goes without meeting the requirements medicinally. It can grow easily by withstanding the harshness of heat, in tropical and subtropical climatic conditions. But it can not tolerate the frost and harsh winters.
Neem trees may flourish in a variety of soil types. It can thrive in dry, rocky, and sandy environments, but it would struggle to grow in soil that contains salt or silt. Neem benefits are wide-ranging including every part of the tree. It may be leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, roots and bark.
What is Neem?

It is referred to by a variety of names both locally and globally, including nim, margosa, limba, mimba, nimba, kohomba, and Indian lilac. It has long been in great demand in India due to its medicinal advantages and exceptional pest- and insect-repelling qualities.
The Persian name for the tree is the source of the scientific name for neem, Azadirachta indica.
Its firm, dark wood, which is a member of the mahogany tree family, is commonly used to make furniture throughout India.
Neem tree planting has been a popular method of bringing greenery into urban areas as well as meeting the needs of the urban poor for domestic fuel in the form of charcoal or wood.
Its medicinal uses have been mentioned in ancient manuscripts of India. Let’s check with such versatile benefits of Neem
Medicinal Properties of Neem
Universal healing abilities of neem have been already mentioned in the ancient texts of Ayurveda as Sarva Rog Nivarini. Its bitterness does not stop humans from using every part of the neem leaf in the treatment of different types of mild or severe ailments. No other herb or plant has such extensive qualities of altering different critical conditions of health.
Scientists from different parts of the world in recent years have conducted successful research to find the nutritional value and curative properties of this wonder herb.
The chemical composition of neem enables improving the condition of the liver, altering gastrointestinal and brain disorders.
Nearly 140 compounds found in the neem[1] contribute with their toxic inhibiting, soothing, parasite or microbe repellent, pain and wound relieving and amazing sugar management qualities.
Moreover, it has been clinically tested on humans in recovering from dental, hair and skin disorders.
Let’s understand in detail about multipurpose Neem benefits.
Neem Benefits For Health
Neem is a gift to humanity since it improves health and purifies the environment. Its multipurpose usefulness has been discovered in different cultures of the world apart from India and is therefore regarded as the tree of life.
1. Boosts Immunity
It helps in eliminating different types of life-threatening microbes and bacteria. In this way, it strengthens the immune system. It improves the quality of blood and speeds its flow through the vessels by removing toxins and impurities. You can add neem powder to your black tea and green tea to discover its therapeutic abilities to strengthen your defense mechanism during your cold and fever.
Try Ayush Kwath to boost your immunity with Ayurveda
2. Regulates Blood Sugar
The presence of chemical compounds in Neem like flavonoids, glycosides and triterpenoids favor the health of diabetic patients. Such compounds do not lower the glucose level in the body and stimulate the production of insulin through the pancreatic beta cells. And therefore, it would be wise enough to add neem to your daily diet.
Try Dr Madhu Amrit to Control Blood Suger.
3. Reduces Cholesterol
Since it is capable of eliminating the body's toxic elements, its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties give way to removing bad cholesterol and improving circulatory health. It will stabilize the blood pressure and ease the uninterrupted flow of blood through the blood vessels. Also, neem is good for gut health.
4. Protects Against Heart Disease
Smoking weakens the blood vessels and unhealthy diet and alcohol drinking causes deposits of toxic fats. It damages the heart conditions and endangers the life of a person. But the nimbidin compound in the neem extracts cleanses the fats from the blood vessels and brings regularity to the heartbeat.
5. Treats Malaria And Other Infections
The bitterness and astringent properties of neem extract alleviate the symptoms of malaria and serve as an appetizer. Applying neem oil to the body will act as a mosquito repellent and give protection against different parasites carrying malaria. Even burning a few leaves and twigs of neem will protect from the harmful impacts of mosquitoes and different insects.
6. Promotes Dental Health
Leaves, bark and twigs of the neem prove extremely beneficial in the oral health of any person undergoing problems of bacterial infection around the teeth, gum diseases, gingivitis and cavities. Toothpaste and mouthwash made from neem extracts will stop bacterial infection, bleeding of gums and accumulation of food particles within the teeth. Cleansing your teeth with neem twigs will prevent the teeth from staining and decaying.
Neem Benefits for Hair
With its purifying properties, extracts of neem can boost healthy hair growth and can solve many hair problems in all seasons and strengthen hair from the root.
1. Treats Dandruff
You can prepare a mask from neem by combining it with amla juice and applying it on the hair or dilute the neem oil with coconut oil and other oils and apply and massage the entire scalp and hair. It will nourish the scalp and stop the formation of dead cells. Your hair will remain clean from dandruff.
2. Kills Lice
Oil and shampoo made from neem extracts will show improvement in the hair and scalp of anyone suffering from lice spread. However, you must use any other oil as the carrier with neem oil before applying and massaging the scalp. The pungent property of the neem oil will destroy the lice spread and not let the eggs of lice further hatch.
3. Promotes Hair Growth
It is well suited for all types. But make sure not to apply the oil directly. Mixing it with oils of coconut, olive and bhringaraj will remove the dirt, and microbes and boost excellent hair development.
4. Strengthens Hair Follicles
Massaging with lukewarm neem oil in diluted form with different herbal oils will strengthen the hair root. For best results, you must use it regularly.
5. Adds Shine and Volume to Hair
Diluted neem oil will increase hair density apart from growth and also soften and improve the texture of the hair. You will not find difficulty in combing your hair.
Try Aadved Adivasi Hair Oil For Your Hair Growth.
Neem Benefits For Skin
Oil and paste developed from the seeds and leaves of neem will prove effective in removing different mild, severe and chronic skin disorders. Its antifungal, anti-bacterial and purifying properties do not let any growth of infection or dust or dirt accumulate on the surface of skin. It is enriched with several revitalizing fatty acids to improve the condition of the skin and enhance the glow.
1. Treats Acne
Down the ages, neem has helped improve the softness of the skin by removing acne, pimples, or any form of blemish. You can prepare the paste by crushing neem leaves and adding other natural ingredients like besan and turmeric in the form of a face scrub mask. Further, blend it with rose water which will work as an astringent agent. Circularly apply on your face and leave it for 20 minutes before washing. Your face will become free from excess oil deposits in the pores along with blackheads and whiteheads.
2. Reduces Inflammation
Paste of neem can be applied to reduce the sunburns or burning sensation. Its cooling properties will not let the free radicals spread in the rest of the skin arising from fungal, bacterial or any other microbe.
3. Soothes Eczema and Psoriasis
An imbalanced immune system as a result of a deficiency of nutrients like vitamin D and exposure to dirt and allergens cause inflammatory skin disorders like eczema and psoriasis. One of the significant neem benefits is eliminating the problems of eczema and psoriasis. You can apply neem oil diluted with grapeseed oil, olive oil, or coconut oil. Neem oil’s anti-inflammatory quality will reduce the redness that follows with itching and irritation. Eating 2 to 3 leaves a day can help in detoxification and reducing stress and improving balance in the metabolism. Therefore, you will no longer suffer from any skin disorder.
4. Heals Wounds
Diluted neem oil and paste from neem leaves have shown excellent recovery results from open wounds and any type of insect bite. Medical science has discovered recovery within 7 days by applying crude neem oil to the surgical wound area of the infant just once.[2] Compared to any antibiotic or any other allopathic remedial measures, it helps in reducing infection, and burning irritation and boosts nourishment in the area of the wound with vitamin E, amino acids and healthy fatty acids.
5. Fades Scars
With the daily use of the neem face pack, you can get rid of old or new scars steadily. It will help in clearing the toxins and purifying the blood and help in brightening the skin. It removes the scars by enhancing collagen production, a protein that makes the skin softer and tender. You can also use diluted neem oil to lessen the scars or marks on your face and other parts of the body.
6. Slows Down the Signs of Aging
Neem also addresses the problem of aging with the richness in vitamin C and different revitalizing minerals like collagen, amino and fatty acids. Helps you to slow down aging process and keep you healthy and young.
How to Use Neem
As already discussed above, Neem along with its bark, twigs, branches and leaves is powered with bioactive elements to heal wide-ranging health issues. Therefore, it has gained recognition globally. Unlike artificial antibiotics, neem has natural antibiotics to aid in recovery from wounds or any disorder without causing any side effects. However, you will experience when you will be using Neem and its products in a moderate way.
You must know the proper way of using powder, kwath and tincture of neem. Guidance from an Ayurvedic expert or a doctor is advisable to get the best Neem benefits in the form of :
Powder: You can use ½ to ¼ quantity teaspoon of powder twice daily. In case you are suffering from high blood sugar and other related complications, you can increase the quantity as per the advice of the doctor.
Kwath: Required to be taken in measured amounts with warmth to manage the skin disorders. It comes combined with different herbs like Triphala, Manjistha, Vacha, Tikta, and Nicha to improve the quality of blood and nourish the body with nutrients.
Tincture: Under normal conditions, the ayurvedic expert will advise you to take 20 drops of this ayurvedic solution twice a day. Depending on the type of disorder or condition of your health, the practitioner might increase or decrease the dosage.
Capsules: Taking one capsule or tablet of neem Kwath twice a day after a meal will enable a decrease in high blood sugar. It will help in recovering from unhealing wounds, acne or any form of skin disorder. You must take consent from the practitioner to increase or decrease the dosage as per your health conditions.
Oil : Neem oil combined with any other carrier oil as directed by the physician can be applied topically on hair and skin to get rid of lice, dandruff, wounds, infections or skin problems. Never take it orally. It can poison your body. It is recommended for local applications.
Side Effects of Neem
Neem is likely to cause adverse effects to the patient if he or she takes it excessively and without the advice of the practitioner. Its pungent taste and bitterness will weigh upon anyone in a negative way if taken in high dosages.
One needs to follow certain safety measures while using powder, tincture, oil or any form of neem product
- Harmful for fetus and infant: Oral intake or topical application must be strictly prohibited during the period of pregnancy or breastfeeding.
- May increase the risk of skin infection or allergies: In case, anyone is suffering from any form of skin allergy after oral or local use of neem then he or she must stop immediately using it.
- Cause low blood sugar condition and weakness: Instead of balancing the sugar levels, it may decrease further leading the patient to suffer from weakness and adverse health conditions. One must take the dosage approved by the doctor.
- Must cause worst reactions if taken with other medicines: There might be the possibility of blood thinning if taken with any other medicines. Must share the information of your neem product with the doctor to stay away from adverse risks to your health. It might cost your life.
Neem, a plant along with its flowers, fruits, bark, leaves and twigs is in demand not only in India but in different parts of the world. It is because of its medicinal properties and its amazing ability to cleanse the environment and retain greenery. It is indeed a gift from nature that has the capacity to survive and grow in any climatic condition or soil type. Except that, it cannot tolerate the wet winters.
With several types of revitalizing compounds and natural antibiotic properties, it surpasses every chemically enriched medicinal, cosmetic and oil in purifying blood, cleansing the blood vessels, reducing blood sugar and aiding in recovering from complicated wounds and scars. One must be careful while using it during any health disorder. Combining with any medicine or using it during pregnancy and breastfeeding may not be safe for mother and infant on health grounds. You gain the neem benefits if taken in the recommended dosage. And your transparent attitude with the doctor will ease the path of treatment for any disorder.