Ayurvedic Secrets To Improve Digestion

Ayurvedic Secrets To Improve Digestion | Improve Your Gut Health

Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word, where ayur means 'life' and veda means knowledge. There is no doubt that Ayurveda is one of the most ancient holistic healing systems in the world.

People have used ayurvedic treatments for centuries to treat following health problems, including fever, digestive problems, anxiety, and several other issues.

Everything we eat should be digested properly for good health. Proper digestion determines how well our digestive system breaks down food, absorbs the nutrients, produces energy, and eliminates waste. Hence, the digestive system plays a very important role in overall health and our day-to-day activities.

Jatharagni or Agni or Digestive fire

Jatharagni or Agni or Digestive fire

According to Ayurveda, Agni or digestive fire represents thermal energy in living beings. Its main role is to transform the food into the substance that supports body functions and its existence.

Agni acts as a gatekeeper of lifeforce, as it decides which substances should enter our tissues and substances expelled out of the body as waste. It is located in the stomach and is the most important among the 13 types of Agni present in our body.

It governs the digestion, absorption, and assimilation of food. A state of equilibrium in physiological functions depends upon the normal state of Agni.

The deranged state of Agni leads to pathological changes[1] and its absence results in the death of living beings.

As per Ayurveda human life is dependent on Agni and if Agni extinguishes death is inevitable.

One of the Ayurvedic secrets is that the digestive system functions properly only when Agni is in equilibrium. The following sensations are the results of the proper function and equilibrium of Agni:

  • No discomfort after digesting the food.
  • No sensation of fullness of the stomach for a long time.
  • Well-formed, soft stool passed every day consistently with the complete evacuation of the rectum and bladder
  • Having a good appetite at the right time

All this is followed by good health as our body feels more energetic, and healthier, with improved immunity.

A Healthy Gut Is a Way Of Leading a Healthy Life

A Healthy Gut Is a Way Of Leading a Healthy Life

Improving digestion is the foundation for a healthy body and healthy mind. When you take a bite of food, digestion starts in the mouth itself. 

Ayurvedic secrets help improve digestion by ensuring that food is fully digested before it is taken up in the bloodstream through our intestines. Bloating, constipation and diarrhea are some of the problems that can arise when our gut health deteriorates. All these circumstances are likely to increase pressure on the veins of the anus and rectum, which may result in piles.

Ayurvedic Secrets For Maintaining Gut Health

Ayurvedic Secrets For Maintaining Gut Health

Drinking Warm Water Before You Start Eating

Drinking warm water helps to promote blood flow throughout the body. This results in increased oxygen supply to the brain. Warm water helps to break down food into simple substances and results in easier digestion. It helps eliminate the toxins from the body and maintain the bowel functions properly. One should at least drink 10-12 glasses of water daily.

Eat Small Meals At Frequent Intervals

Eating smaller meals instead of larger ones and at frequent intervals, helps the stomach to function properly and efficiently helps to regulate the appetite. 

Over-eating slows down the digestive system and ends up making the person feel sluggish. However, while eating several small meals throughout the day, the body becomes more energetic and efficient.

Avoid Eating Heavy And Oily Foods

Prior to going to bed, avoid eating heavy and oily foods, which are high in calories. According to Ayurveda, one should consume light snacks at least four hours before going to bed.

Also Read>>> Top 10 Diet For Piles Patients After Surgery

Chewing Thoroughly

Chewing your food thoroughly helps to break down food particles and further makes it easier for digestion. It enhances the metabolism and also helps liberate  the vitamins and minerals more easily from the food.

Natural Herbs

Natural Herbs

Ayurveda recommends the use of certain herbs and spices that help to heal the digestive tract. 

Following natural herbs promote the healing of the digestive tract and ease the digestion process, as they contain flavonoids  which are beneficial to remove toxins.

  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Fenugreek
  • Cumin
  • Cardamom

Ayurvedic Diet

Ayurvedic Diet

The healthy diet with ayurveda consists of the following three essential meals of the day:

The First Meal

One should consume a glass of warm water mixed with fresh ginger juice, black pepper, fenugreek, and honey first thing in the morning inorder to improve gut health.

Followed by a light breakfast which provides you with the necessary energy to go by day-to-day activities.

The Second Meal

The second meal or lunch must consist of boiled vegetables, rice, lentils, and ghee (clarified butter).

The Third Meal

The third meal or dinner should consist of beans, cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, spinach, coconut milk, and almonds.


One can always consume small portions of nutritious snacks in between meals including fruit juice, raw fruits, nuts, brown bread, and sprouts.

Practice Yoga

Practice Yoga

One of the prime secrets of Ayurveda for improving digestion is to do yoga as yoga is an essential part of the Ayurvedic system of medicine. 

Yoga Asana improves flexibility, maintains balance and reduces stress which improves digestion. It helps stimulate blood circulation throughout the body, including the digestive system which supplies more oxygen and nutrients throughout the body and enhances the detoxification process.

Ayurvedic Food combination Can Make Or Break Your Body Imbalance

Ayurvedic Food combination Can Make Or Break Your Body Imbalance

Some food combinations disrupt the function of the stomach fire and upset the balance of the doshas. This causes problems like indigestion, acidity, and gas formation.

Following are some of the food combinations that should not be taken together as per Ayurveda:

  • Cheese, hot drinks, sour fruits, milk, mangoes, nightshades, beans, eggs, and fish should be avoided when eating yogurt.
  • Fruits and milk should not be consumed with vegetables.
  • Milk should not be consumed with fruits, melons, sour fruits, or bananas, nor should it be heated with salty items, such as samosas, parathas, or khichadi. Do not boil milk with tea.
  • Yogurt, cucumber, milk, and tomatoes are not compatible with lemons.
  • Proteins and fats need different digestive juices, so the two must be eaten separately.
  • Eggs, fruits, hot drinks, milk, beans, and yogurt cannot be paired with cheese.

Also Read>>> Food for Piles: 10 Foods to Permanently Treat Hemorrhoids


Proper digestion is important to achieve a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Digestion plays an important role in improving metabolism[2] and managing weight issues.

It is not a simple process and involves various steps. If one follows the above-mentioned Ayurvedic advice he will achieve improved digestion. Improving digestion is key to a healthy body and healthy mind.

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