Can Ayurveda Cure Diabetes Permanently? Myth vs Reality

Can Ayurveda Cure Diabetes Permanently? Myth vs Reality

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas doesn’t release the right amount of insulin. The prevalent diabetes type 1 and type 2 are the most widely spread diseases. It has become a global concern with the increase in the number of people getting diagnosed with it and as a result, many people turn to solutions like modern medicines and Ayurveda. 

Many people look for Ayurvedic medicines, hoping to find a cure for their diabetes and they often get stuck with the question: does Ayurveda help in curing diabetes permanently or not? Understanding the myth and the reality is important to find an effective solution for your sugar control. 

This blog will investigate the Ayurvedic approach toward diabetes and whether it truly works in separating fact from fiction.

Understanding Diabetes through Ayurveda 

Diabetes in Ayurveda is explained as the imbalance between the three doshas; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The equilibrium of these doshas helps boost metabolic health. The disruption in the balance is likely to lead to metabolic disorders such as diabetes. There are 4 types of diabetes which include Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, Gestational diabetes, and Type 3c diabetes. 

According to WHO, about 77 million people above the age of 18 years are diabetic patients (type 2), 25 million people are prediabetic, and more than 50% of people are unaware of their diabetic status. 

As per Ayurveda, the diagnosis of Diabetes (Madhumeha) is based on individualized assessments which include Prakriti (understanding individual constitutions) and Vikriti (addressing imbalances of the doshas). It is considered that the condition is often influenced by diet (Ahara), lifestyle (Vihara), and therapeutic interventions (Aushadha). The changes in daily (Dinacharya) and seasonal (Ritucharya) routines also tend to affect the sugar levels of an individual.

Therefore, the treatments are also based on understanding these imbalances and providing a holistic approach which includes a healthy diet and herbal remedies. 

Myth: Ayurveda Can Completely Cure Diabetes  

Many people believe that Ayurveda can completely cure diabetes but it is an ongoing myth that has left everyone confused. Ayurvedic supplements and remedies are crafted with a focus on managing diabetes and balancing sugar levels. It aims to balance doshas through dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and herbal remedies. It supports a holistic approach to improving insulin sensitivity for better diabetes management. 

Ayurveda cannot reverse type 1 diabetes as it is an autoimmune disease. Ayurvedic remedies can only support or help manage the symptoms. Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle metabolic disorder that can be managed through diet and lifestyle changes. It is often linked to exercising and in many cases, people can reduce their need for medication. 

Reality: Ayurveda Helps Manage Diabetes

Getting the reality out of the myth is that Ayurveda helps to manage diabetes effectively. Adding a variety of herbal remedies, and bringing changes to your daily routine such as incorporating exercise and a nutritional diet may help significantly to manage the symptoms of diabetes. 

Following the years-old practice helps to improve your insulin sensitivity and stabilize your blood sugar levels. It also helps to control your symptoms of diabetes such as fatigue, frequent urination, irritability, blurry vision, thirst, and so on.

It also helps to prevent any further complications as the natural solution reduces the risk of long-term problems associated with diabetes. 



Ayurveda can permanently cure diabetes.

Ayurveda aids in the successful management of diabetes.  While Type 2 diabetes can be managed with lifestyle modifications, Type 1 diabetes necessitates lifelong insulin.

Diabetes can be reversed with just Ayurvedic herbs.

Although they can help control blood sugar levels, herbs like neem, bitter gourd, and giloy must be used in conjunction with dietary and lifestyle modifications for optimal results.

Stopping allopathic medicines and relying only on Ayurveda is safe.

It can be risky to abruptly stop taking prescribed medication. Under expert supervision, Ayurveda functions best when combined with contemporary medicine. 

Ayurveda works instantly to lower blood sugar.

Ayurvedic medicine or remedies work slowly and gradually to balance blood sugar levels. It helps improve insulin sensitivity, metabolism, and overall health.

Every remedy works for everyone.

Ayurveda works best when personalized medication or consultation is taken. It is important to understand its Prakriti.

There are no adverse effects from Ayurvedic therapy.

Ayurvedic herbs are natural, however, using them incorrectly or excessively might cause negative side effects including hypoglycemia, low blood sugar, or intestinal problems.

Effective Ayurvedic Remedies for Diabetes Management

Ayurveda emphasizes the use of natural ways to manage diabetes. These ways include making some of the most effective changes to balance your sugar levels. Here are some of the ways-

Ayurvedic medicines & herbs

Ayurvedic medicines and herbs may help to regulate your blood sugar levels. One can use herbs to naturally control blood sugar levels such as Karela, Methi, Tulsi, and more, or use Ayurvedic medicines crafted from natural ingredients. They naturally manage diabetes and boost overall health. Focussed on providing a holistic approach, some of the medicines that can be suitable to use are Dr. Madhu Amrit and Ayush 82. 

Dr. Madhu Amrit

Dr. Madhu Amrit is a blend of Ayurvedic herbs such as Karela, Neem, Saptrangi, Devdar, Giloy, and more, that help to regulate your blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity. 

Ayush 82

Ayush 82 is considered to be the most effective medicine for balancing your blood sugar levels. It includes herbs such as Amra beej, Jamun beej, Gudmara Patra, and more. It contains anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing swelling and detoxifying your body. It may give you improved insulin sensitivity and balanced blood sugar levels.

Nutritional Diet

The diet is crucial for managing diabetic conditions in Ayurveda.  Food is emphasized that can either aggravate or pacify the doshas and help maintain good blood sugar levels.  These usually include:

  • Whole grains: Choose complexes such as brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat.

  • Increase fiber: Plenty of fruits, vegetables, and legumes are to be eaten.

  • Limit refined sugars: Throw out processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive sweets.

  • Healthy fats: Consume good fats such as those from nuts, seeds, and avocados.

  • Spices: Use spices like cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric, which may positively affect blood sugar.

Ayurvedic practitioners are best able to assist you in making the best diet plan according to your needs and tastes.

Also Look: Fruits that are Good For Diabetes Patients: A Healthy Guide

Lifestyle modifications

Ayurveda believes that changes in one's way of life are crucial in managing diabetes. These changes may include the following:

  • Regular sleep: Sleep should be considered in the range of about 7-8 hours of quality sleep daily.

  • Stress management: Engaging in relaxation methods such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga.

  • Hydration: Maintaining an optimal intake of water throughout the day.

A healthy weight should be maintained: Even modest weight loss may strongly impact blood sugar management.

Yoga or Exercising 

Yoga is one of the most influential factors that helps to balance blood sugar and boost overall health. Some of the yoga asanas that you can include in your daily routine are-

  • Surya Namaskar- Indulging in a complete workout may help boost blood circulation in the body, improve blood sugar levels, and regulate heartbeat.

  • Dhanurasana- This helps to balance your blood sugar levels and reduce constipation. 

  • Pranayama- It helps enhance sleep and manage stress and anxiety for better health. 

There are plenty of yogas that you can include in your daily routine for managing diabetes. 

Scientific Evidence Supporting Ayurveda for Diabetes

According to studies, managing type 2 diabetes involves adopting healthy lifestyle choices, exercising, and eating a balanced diet. Ayurveda places a strong emphasis on balancing blood sugar levels through the use of herbal remedies and natural methods like exercise and weight control. 

Numerous ayurvedic treatments, including Shirodhara (gently pouring liquids), Udwartana (slimming treatment), and abhyanga (massage with warm oil), among others, help to control blood sugar levels.


To conclude, plenty of confusing statements have been made about Ayurveda and its myths. Ayurveda cannot cure any diseases rather it focuses on managing the illnesses. It aims to incorporate natural ways to manage diabetes effectively such as through integrating herbal remedies, a balanced diet, and Ayurvedic therapies like yoga and pranayama.  

Embracing Ayurvedic learning along with consultation from Ayurvedic experts may help you to boost your health naturally. As it follows a holistic approach, it works to support your overall health. 

So, through the understanding of the important factors above, we hope that your queries and confusion have been resolved. Ayurveda offers a natural solution for long-term management. If you too want to start today, then consult our doctors.


Profile Image Dr. Pooja Verma

Dr. Pooja Verma

Dr. Pooja Verma is a sincere General Ayurvedic Physician who holds a BAMS degree with an interest in healing people holistically. She makes tailor-made treatment plans for a patient based on the blend of Ayurveda and modern science. She specializes in the treatment of diabetes, joint pains, arthritis, piles, and age-related mobility issues.

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