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Stones Veda | Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney Stone | Kidney Stone Syrup | Stone Removal Capsules & Syrup | Kidney Stone Treatment Without Surgery

Stones Veda | Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney Stone | Kidney Stone Syrup | Stone Removal Capsules & Syrup | Kidney Stone Treatment Without Surgery

✅ Pain relief and inflammation reduction
✅ It can ease discomfort while urinating
✅ It helps to combat urinary tract infections effectively
✅ It can enhance kidney health and function
✅ This helps to increase urine output, aiding detoxification
✅ It can facilitate the passage of small stones
✅ It may reduce urea and creatinine levels
✅ It can promote smoother urinary function

Regular price ₹ 2,600.00
Regular price ₹ 2,999.00 Sale price ₹ 2,600.00
13% OFF


1:- Stones Veda contains Varun Chaal.
Reduces 5–10 mm stone size by 33.04%.
It can decrease stone weight from 80.12 mg to 2.5 mg in 4 months.
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2:- Sugar and Diabetic Friendly Syrup and Tablet
Diabetic patients have a 68% likelihood of kidney stones.
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3:- Kidney stone patients are over 88% likely to have UTIs.
Stones Veda
It can work on both Kidney stones and UTIs.
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4:- Ones with kidney stones are at 5x the risk of having UTI work on both with
Stones Veda.
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Product Form: Capsule & Syrup
Quantity: 60 Capsules of Stones Veda ,200ml syrup
Side Effects: No


  • This helps to reduce discomfort caused by stones.
  • It can support easy urine flow.
  • It also improves the chances of stones being flushed out in urine.
  • It can provide relief from abdominal, and bladder pain.
  • It helps to ensure easy flow of urine.
  • May Help clear blockage of the kidney and urethra by improving urine flow.
  • It can prevent the body from holding onto more fluid than needed.
  • This can promote smoother functioning of the urinary tract.


  • Take 1 or 2 capsules of Stones Veda depending on the size of the kidney stone.
  • Only take 1 capsule if taking Stones Veda syrup at the same time.
  • Take 1-2 spoons of Stones Veda syrup post dinner
    or as per doctor's advice
  • For best results, use it for 3 months.


  • Varun Chhal
  • Gokhru
  • Rakta Chandan
  • Sounf
  • Dhaniya
  • Punarnava
  • Kusha
  • Lemon
  • Tulsi
  • Mint

The results of Stones Veda may vary from person to person,depending on their kidney stone size ,dietary practice and lifestyle.

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Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney Stone

Stones Veda offers effective relief from the pain associated with the kidney stone.


    Ayurvedic solutions delivered thoughtfully


    Programs crafted by Ayurvedacharayas


    Ayurvedic Health Experts


    Carefully handpicked and sourced


How does the Stones Veda help with the stone buildup problem?

Stones Veda diuretic properties help prevent mineral buildup that can lead to stone formation. Its regular intake helps boost urine production and helps eliminate harmful toxins from the body and their accumulation in one place. It also helps alkalize urine, thus preventing salts and minerals from adhering to existing stones and inhibiting the growth of new ones.

How does it help to deal with the UTI infection ?

Stones Veda's antibacterial, antispasmodic, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties help reduce the risk of UTI infections. By effectively combating bacterial infections in the urinary tract. Its regular intake helps reduce swelling and discomfort caused during urination. Its regular usage ensures a balanced pH level in urine, minimizing acidity in the kidneys and greatly mitigating the likelihood of UTI infections.

How does Stones veda help provide relief from the pain associated with the kidney stone?

Its lithotriptic, anti-lithiasis, anti-spasmodic, diuretic, and alkalizing properties help provide relief from the pain, burning sensation, and urinary discomfort associated with kidney stones. Its daily intake helps relax muscles in the urinary tract, thus easing the flush out of kidney stones.It helps in neutralizing acids in the urine and breaking down mineral deposits, contributing to reducing the pain and discomfort associated with kidney stones.

What are the side effects of the Stones Veda?

Due to its unique formulation, which includes a blend of traditional extracts like gokharu, punarnava, and sugarcane roots, this product is totally safe for consumption by kidney stone and urinary tract infection patients. Thanks to the diuretic properties of the herbs present in the Stones Veda, it helps increase urine flow, which helps flush out excess toxins and bacteria from the kidney. Thus, it helps provide a soothing impact against the discomfort associated with the urinary tract infection and kidney stone. 

What are the uses of the Stones Veda?

Stones Veda's daily intake helps provide the following benefits:

Ease from abdominal and bladder pain.

Better flow of urine helps to improve the chances of it flushing out in urine.

Relief from pain while urinating and clearing blockage of the kidney and urethra.

It helps to prevent the body from holding onto more fluid than it needs.

Helps in the smoother functioning of the urinary tract.

What are the main ingredients in Stones Veda ?

Stones Veda is enriched with ingredients like Varun Chhal, Gokharu, Rakta Chandan, and Punarnava, which have anti-spasmodic, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent bacterial infections in the urinary tract, thereby reducing inflammation and pain while urinating. Due to its diuretic properties, it helps prevent the accumulation of minerals and other substances that are mostly responsible for the formation of kidney stones. Also,due to its soothing and anti-inflammatory effect on the urinary tract, it helps reduce the discomfort associated with kidney stones.

Is the Stones Veda suitable for everyone?

Since it is enriched with Ayurvedic herbs, it can be suitable for kidney stone and UTI infection patients. However, patients with severe symptoms are advised to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner or physician before giving it a try.

How Long Does It Take to See Results With Stones Veda?

Usually, stones veda starts working within a few weeks, but its effectiveness depends on the severity of the patient's condition. The results of the Stones Veda on the patient may depend on factors such as the size of the kidney stone of the patient and individual lifestyle and dietary practices. Some people may see results in a few weeks, while others may experience them over months.