Arjuna herb

Arjuna Herb: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects & More

Arjuna (also known as Terminalia arjuna) Herb is used as a traditional Ayurvedic medicine that helps prevent heart diseases, inflammation, and excessive blood pressure.

Arjuna trees belong to the family of Combretaceae and are famously known among our forefathers, who have transferred their importance to us.

You must have also encountered elders telling you to turn towards using this traditional herb in your daily routine. 

So, what are the significant benefits that it offers? In this blog, you’ll gain an understanding of the usage of the Arjuna herb and how it enhances your health and well-being. 

Let’s dive deeper into learning about the herb, its usage, benefits, side effects, and more.

Ayurvedic Profile of Arjuna Herb



Botanical Name

Terminalia arjuna

Common Names

Arjuna, Arjun Tree

Ayurvedic Dosha

Balances Kapha and Pitta doshas

Rasa (Taste)

Kashaya (astringent)

Guna (Qualities)

Laghu (light), Ruksha (dry)

Virya (Potency)

Sheeta (cooling)

Vipaka (Post-Digestive Effect)

Katu (pungent)

Usage of Arjuna Bark in Ayurveda 

Arjuna Bark is used in Ayurveda to formulate Ayurvedic medicine as it contains medicinal properties that may prevent cardiovascular diseases, improve digestion, support fertility, and more.

This importance of Arjuna comes from Ayurvedic texts Charaka Samhita,  Astang Hridayam, and Sushruta Samhita which have been referred to since the Vedic period. 

Vagabhatta, a famous writer of Ayurveda, introduced the use of Arjuna bark powder in managing heart ailments. Many other Ayurveda writers have promoted the use of Arjun in many ailments such as skin conditions, wound healing, high cholesterol, and so on.

The use of Arjuna Bark in Ayurveda is significant and is used to deliver relief from a variety of problems. Let’s understand its benefits in detail in the next section. 

Health Benefits of Arjuna Herb

Arjuna herb has a variety of medicinal properties that help to keep your health in check and manage those who have major illnesses. This powerful herb acts as a remedy for a lot of health issues-

1. Effective in Managing Heart diseases 

Arjuna herb may be effective for managing heart diseases. It may enhance coronary circulation and promote better functioning of the heart.

It also is said to reduce angina (chest pain) by improving the function of the heart muscles.

Terminalia arjuna is known for supporting the proper functioning of the heart and increasing blood density. It may reduce toxins and fatty substances in the body so that there are no chances of any blockage.

It clears out the arteries, helping the heart pump blood throughout the body for better functioning. 

2. Prevents Diarrhea (Gut Health)

Arjuna herb, significantly used in Ayurveda, may help to support your digestive system by maintaining a proper condition of the digestive tract and managing diarrhea.

Consumption of this herb supports your gut health and does not let problems such as constipation or loose stools arise. 

This herb may also help prevent conditions such as piles or dysentery. It supports your digestive system and helps you to stay healthy in the long run. It's antioxidant property which keeps free radicals away from entering your body. 

3. Reduces Chances of UTIs

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are painful and cause a lot of discomfort. Arjuna herb helps to reduce the infection caused in the body and strengthens the urinary tract. It aims to reduce the burning sensation while urinating and increases the flow of urine. 

It also manages your increased urine frequency and reduces pain and discomfort. Its healing and antioxidant properties protect you from getting any such infections. 

4. Relieves Inflammation

Terminalia arjuna is also known to reduce inflammation in the body. Research shows that it is effective in treating chronic periodontitis.

The consistent use of this anti-inflammatory herb helps to manage inflammation caused by illnesses or any serious condition. It aims to heal the insides and shows high anti-inflammatory activity even in lesser dosages.

5. Supports Liver health 

Arjuna herb is used in Ayurveda to create medicine that helps individuals like you to have a healthier body. Apart from preventing cardiovascular diseases, UTIs, inflammation, and more, it also helps to boost liver health.

Increased cholesterol is the major factor that causes severe diseases of the liver such as fatty liver, cirrhosis, and more.

Including Arjuna in your daily routine helps to manage your cholesterol levels and reduce blood glucose, keeping you healthier. 

6. Contains Anti-aging properties 

This Ayurvedic herb helps in dealing with skin problems such as rashes, itching, and redness. It nourishes your skin and enhances the texture, making you look younger and healthier.

It restores the health of your skin cells and retains moisture in it. The anti-aging properties help to reduce marks, acne breakouts, and pigmentation. 

7. Helps in Wound healing 

When applied externally, it helps to reduce the bruises and clears your skin. It is considered very effective for healing wounds faster. Using it for non-healing ulcers or chronic wounds will help to get relief within one month of treatment. 

A study tells that a patient had complaints of extreme pain, ulcers and swelling in the leg and was later diagnosed with multiple varicose ulcers.

The use of Arjuna bark paste helped him to get relief within one and a half months of treatment. This shows that Arjuna has healing properties and is very useful for cases of wounds, swelling, and ulcers. 

8. Reduces Oxidative Stress

Regular usage of Arjuna Bark as an Ayurvedic medicine also helps in reducing stress in the body. It provides you with relief and boosts the strength in your body. It tends to lower cortisol levels thereby reducing stress. 

Stress tends to occur due to our daily activities and sometimes, it is also the result of exercising. This helps to relax your body and reduce any type of stress. This, in turn, helps to manage the blood pressure in the body.  

Potensial Side Effects of Arjuna Herb

Are there any side effects of using Arjuna Chaal? Well, if you’re consuming it then make sure to take the recommended dosage.

It may have benefits for the heart but if not taken in the right proportion, it may lead you to have adverse impacts.

It is to be noted that Arjuna Chaal is not to be given to pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding as it may have an adverse effect. There is not enough evidence to prove its safety for women.

Though, it contains the benefits of managing diarrhea and upset stomach, however, if you take a high dosage of the bark, it may result in potential side effects.

How to take

The dosage of Arjuna's medicine for consumption should not exceed 500 mg thrice daily. It is more effective when one continues the use for 3 months.

However, it is recommended to take the supervision or advice of a doctor.  


To sum up, Arjun Chaal is a great traditional medicine that may help you manage cardiovascular diseases, poor digestive system, inflammation, and oxidative stress.

Ayurveda has prominently focused on the usage to help patients deal with their diseases and have a healthy body.

Including this natural remedy in your daily routine will put in a greater deal of benefits.

As it gives you a strengthened heart, and good digestive and liver health, why not take a chance and delve into the journey of entering the traditional teachings and medicines?

Give yourself the right medications and learning and walk on the path of becoming a healthier, YOU. 


Revisiting Terminalia arjuna – An Ancient Cardiovascular Drug

Phytopharmacological review of Arjuna bark

Medicinal properties of Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) Wight & Arn.: A review

Revisiting Terminalia arjuna – An Ancient Cardiovascular Drug

Medicinal properties of Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) Wight & Arn.: A review

Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity of Terminalia arjuna

Responses of liver and renal function markers against arjuna tree extract in induced Hyperlipidemia Rats

Wound healing activity of Arjuna bark powder in Dushta vrana (Non healing venous ulcers) -A Case Report


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